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Shabat Shalom - Friday, February 1, 2013

In the above, Yitro is asking Moses why he, personally, is hearing all the issues of every individual.

Yitro goes on to directly tell Moses, “The thing you are doing is not good. You will surely wear yourself out both you and these people who are with you for the matter is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone.”

So, Yitro tells Moses to recruit a group of individuals to help him.

Jewish communities up until today follow these principles.  Here at the Federation, we have a Board, committees, volunteer solicitors (so many of whom worked tirelessly last week making our Fundfest a complete success), volunteers through our volunteer center, staff, etc.  All of these people work on behalf of the community, spreading the responsibility among many as opposed to concentrating that responsibility among just a few.  We get much more done this way, and I believe, we do things better.

Thank you, Yitro, for serving as our Management Consultant.  Luckily, unlike the management/leadership books I buy off from Amazon, his advice is free in one of our oldest Jewish texts.

Thank you to all our volunteers and staff for helping to take on responsibilities in the community. 

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom. 


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