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Shabbat Shalom - Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

In this time of giving thanks, consider helping some of the neediest in our community.  Click here for information on the training and the actual program.  This is a wonderful opportunity to volunteer your time.


This has been a whirlwind week of activity.  The Federation Finance Committee met to review our finances (our finances are strong).  Our Audit Committee met to review this year’s audit (the audit was approved).  The Planning and Funding Committee held their first meeting of the year (they talked strategy for the upcoming year).  The Executive Committee met (they delved into many of our community’s opportunities).  And last night, the Young Adult Division held their Main Event. 


The Main Event is a campaign program for our young adults.  We had a great turnout at both the pre event for our Ben Gurion Society members (young adults who contribute $1,000 or more to the campaign) and for the big program for young adult campaign supporters.  The speaker was Larry Smith, the author the "The Six Word Memoirs" and "Six Word Memoirs on Jewish Life".  His idea is that we all have a story to tell and that we can relate it in just six words.  His talk touched upon Jewish identity and Jewish community in a fun and engaging way. 


So, what are your six words? 


For today, I write:  "Shabbat Shalom.  Happy Chanukah.  Happy Thanksgiving"! 


Jeffrey H. Finkelstein


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