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Shabbat Shalom - October 29, 2010

When people are asked what does the Federation support, they often say "Israel" and our local Jewish community.  When we talk about what we do in Israel, the largest recipient of our dollars is the Jewish Agency or JAFI.  JAFI is in the midst of redefining its core mission.  In the past, JAFI has been responsible for the Aliyah (immigration) and Klitah (absorption) of new immigrants.  JAFI has helped millions of Jews flee from oppression to new lives in Israel.  Every single donor to the Federation has been part of that miracle.  However, JAFI has identified that there is a new and growing threat against Jews, namely the growing apathy of Jews to Judaism.  JAFI's new plan is to use Jewish and Zionist education as a platform to counter this growing menace, while still continuing to aid new immigrants to Israel.  For us in Pittsburgh, where we have identified the same threat and have launched a specific campaign to raise dollars to promote Jewish identity (our Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future), JAFI's new strategic direction will work hand in hand with our initiatives. 


Being at the JAFI BOG meeting reminded me that our volunteer leadership is not alone in their work.  With several hundreds in attendance, Jewish leaders from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, Italy, Argentina and France were all struggling with the important challenges facing the Jewish world.  While only one other Pittsburgher was physically with me in the meeting rooms, all of you where there.  Your support of our Federation gives you a seat at the table in working with Jews from around the world to secure our future.

Thank you and Shabbat Shalom.

P.S.  Our 2011 Campaign Kickoff was held last night.  We have already raised over $3.3 Million

P.P.S.  There will be no message next week.


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