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Shabbat Shalom, Friday August 2, 2013

I wish I could get onto the top of Mt. Washington with a microphone and huge speakers and yell out that word “GOAL” just like the soccer announcers.  This community did it.  It set a lofty goal of raising $13,350,000 in its annual campaign, a $350,000 increase over the previous record breaking year, and we, collectively, achieved it.  There are so many that can and should take credit.  All of our volunteers, both in the campaign and throughout the organization, played a key role.  Our staff (the very best in the country), worked tirelessly in partnership with our lay leadership.  But most importantly, each of you, the donors to this campaign, made this result possible. 
In addition, we have more donors to the 2013 Campaign than the previous one and our donor base is getting younger.  These are all so positive for the future vitality and vibrancy of our community. 
When I typically write, I talk about the impact of our dollars.  This week, I will allow these historic financial results to stand on their own.

Something to ponder:  the Pirates are on top in Major League Baseball at exactly the same time as the Federation achieved this year's result.  Connection?
On behalf of everyone who is impacted by your generosity: Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you. 
Shabbat Shalom.

Jeff Finkelstein, President/CEO
Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh


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