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Shabbat Shalom, Friday, October 4

We are a lucky community!


On Monday, the Spertus Institute of Chicago will be granting ten of our communal professionals a Master's Degree in Jewish Professional Studies.  Let me explain how this whole concept developed.  Several years ago, Rabbi Scott Aaron, the Community Scholar at the Agency for Jewish Learning, raised the idea of this Master's Degree program with Ed Frim (of the AJL), Brian Schreiber ( of the JCC) and me.  As we all thought about it, we realized that we have amazing, talented, motivated staff within our agencies.  I would go so far as to say that Pittsburgh is blessed with the very best professional staff in the Jewish world!  And we all thought that, as our immediate Past Chair Lou Plung likes to say, "we are good, and we can get better". 


Working in and for the Jewish community takes more than drive, motivation, people and organizational skills.  It takes Jewish knowledge.  There are skills in working with lay leadership, forming a vision, public speaking, conducting effective and quality meetings and building consensus.  This Spertus program was designed to help grow our professionals from being good professionals into being great “Jewish professionals”. 


The program took well over two years to complete.  The workload was heavy, especially as our professionals were simultaneously working full time.  Classes were held here in Pittsburgh with some study in Chicago. 


The program was underwritten generously by the Fine Family Foundation and several other local anonymous donors.  In addition, each participant and each agency with a participant paid a piece as well.  Everyone had “skin in the game.”


You can read a little more about the program and the participants by clicking here.  You are all invited to join the graduation ceremony on Monday night at 7 pm at Rodef Shalom.  Two honorary degrees will be granted.  One will be given to our very own David Shapira, who I know needs no introduction.  The other will be given to John Ruskay, my counterpart from the UJA/Federation of New York.  John has been one of the most prolific writers and thought leaders on Jewish communal issues during his long career.  I look forward to hearing both David’s and John's thoughts.  By the way, John is a proud alum of the University of Pittsburgh. 


We are a lucky community!


Shabbat Shalom.


Jeff Finkelstein, President/CEO

Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh

234 McKee Place

Pittsburgh, PA  15213

Follow me on Twitter:  @jfedpghceo


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