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A Shabbat Shalom Message from Jeff

Our taxes give us and the IRS a snapshot into who we are financially.  The story of Passover gives us and our families a snapshot into who we are as Jews and as a people.
As I "recline" at our family's seder this year, I will think about how our work at the Federation is touching so many on this holiday.  In Pittsburgh, I learned that our Edward and Rose Berman Hillel Jewish University Center has organized seders for over 400 of their constituents all around Pittsburgh.  Yesterday, the Diller Teen Fellows from our Partnership 2000 Region of Karmiel and Misgav along with the Pittsburgh Diller Teen Fellows, lead a magnificent seder for residents at Riverview Towers (see the story in the Post Gazette).  The Squirrel Hill Food Pantry of Jewish Family and Children’s Service has added Passover food for distribution to our community's needy.  All our Day Schools and the JCC have brought Passover content to their classrooms.  The Agency for Jewish Learning has provided a class for employees of the Federation’s beneficiary agencies about the holiday of Passover so all those who work in our community can bring more meaning to those they touch.   Residents at the JAA will celebrate the holiday with their own seder.
The Talmud explains that "In every generation, one must look upon him/herself as if s/he had personally gone out of Egypt".  We have to see ourselves as actual participants in that story of the Exodus.  How does someone sitting in Pittsburgh see themselves participating in the Exodus?  While I know there are many commentaries about this, I’d like to suggest the following for this year’s Seder.  The final mass aliyah of Jews from Ethiopia is currently underway with several hundred arriving every month with funding from the Federation system (see the story from the Jewish Chronicle about our Federation's wonderful support).  With this, we are helping each of these Jews from Ethiopia experience a modern day Exodus.  Perhaps in some way, keeping in mind what we are facilitating in Ethiopia, we can experience a more personal connection with the Exodus story.
On behalf of my family and all of us at the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, please accept our wishes for a Chag Kasher v'Sameach – a happy Passover.
Shabbat Shalom.


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