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Shabbat Shalom - Friday, April 8, 2011

...and distributed a more than $2.5 Million, comprised of $1.9 Million to our Day Schools and $650,000 to our preschools.  Over the last ten years, we have raised in excess of $16 Million!  I have to admit, it feels really good to know that members of our community who have serious financial need are going to be supported through these funds. 

I want to use this opportunity to educate and "pitch" you on this program.  Corporations in the state of Pennsylvania that pay corporate state income tax are eligible to apply for tax credits.  For a two year commitment, that tax credit is for 90% of the donation.  In other words, a company with a $100,000 tax liability can receive a $90,000 credit against their taxes for a donation at that level.  In addition, the corporation can also take available deductions.  The result is approximately no cost for the donation.  This works for S Corporations, C Corporations and even many partnerships.  Please, if you are involved in such a corporation (including a law firm, medical practice or business), let me know via email and one of our talented staff will follow up with you.  We can walk you through the very simple application process and you in turn, can "kvell" next year when I write this note letting the community know how much more we raised for our institutions and the families who utilize them. 

Finally, I’m a happy camper this week because we now have 100 Happy Campers.  The Camper Incentive Program, funded by our Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future, is granting $1,000 towards an overnight Jewish camping experience for first time campers.  It is exciting to know that we have helped to encourage so many to partake in this highly impactful activity. 

I hope this Shabbat is quiet in Southern Israel after a week of intense rocket fire from the Gaza Strip. 

Shabbat Shalom.

Jeff Finkelstein, President and CEO


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