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A Wednesday Shabbat Shalom

I was not planning on writing this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday, however, I wanted to send a very specific message to our community in light of what is happening in Israel.

Thank you.  Thank you to our donors, volunteers and staff for all you do.  When this emergency started last week, our partner agencies, the Jewish Agency for Israel and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, were on the ground immediately helping the citizens of Israel, both Jews and non-Jews.  They were able to do so because communities like ours provide ongoing support and sustenance to them through our Annual Campaign.  With the growing needs in the South of Israel, the national Federation system deemed it necessary to launch the Israel Terror Relief Fund.  The national system made an initial commitment of $5 Million and gave each of the largest communities a “fair share” of that pie.  I am happy to report that the voluntary fundraising in Pittsburgh has already resulted in our raising more than 50% above our “fair share”.  That is truly a testament to all of you.  (If you would like to be part of this effort, please click here).

At the same time, our Community Relations Council met last night and it is preparing for a gathering in support of Israel on Monday evening.  You will receive more details shortly.  I urge you to attend because at times like these, we all need the comfort of community.

A little over a week ago at the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America, a panel discussion was held between two of my heroes, Natan Sharansky and Elie Wiesel.  Wiesel, in response to a question said, “It is an honor to work for our People”.  On Erev Thanksgiving (the eve of Thanksgiving), I say with all sincerity, thank you to all of you honorable people.

A happy Thanksgiving and a Shabbat Shalom with hope that there will be Shalom in Israel.

Jeff Finkelstein, President/CEO
Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh


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