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Shabbat Shalom, Friday November 30, 2012

Most synagogues were represented, community members from the North Hills, South Hills and Monroeville were in attendance and all age groups were there (thank you to Temple Sinai for bringing their students).  There were community members who align themselves with the more “right leaning” Israel organizations and those from the more “left leaning” Israel organizations.  We should be proud that we have the kind of community where this kind of diversity of opinion, views and beliefs can and does come together.  It goes to show that there is so much more that unites us than divides us, even with all the differences within our community.

Speaking of Israel, I just received an update on Birthright Israel, the cutting edge program sending 18-26 year olds on a completely free trip to Israel.  Our Federation has been a proud funder of this program.  Since its inception in the year 2000, Birthright has sent over 338,000 participants to Israel!  Next week, the winter Birthright trips begin. Over 20,000 participants will make their way to Israel during this period, including Jews from two new countries - Greece and Zimbabwe.

Just like our entire community was so well represented on Monday night, our entire community, together, through our collective Federation fundraising efforts, has helped to make the Birthright experience a reality.  The national Federation tagline is "The Strength of a People.  The Power of Community."  Pittsburgh constantly demonstrates its strength and power.  We are all lucky to be part of this great community.

Shabbat Shalom.

P.S.  Speaking of our collective approach and the impact we have, please click here to read a piece by my colleague Dr. Misha Galperin from the Jewish Agency for Israel.  He says thank you to the Federation system for its support during the recent conflict in the south of Israel.


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