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Chag Sameach - Wednesday, October 12, 2011

On Monday, the Federation Board held its first Board meeting under the Chairmanship of Lou Plung.  The Board engaged in serious discussion around strategic planning for the community.  We look forward to sharing much more of the details with you in the future.

Sukkot is one of the three pilgrimage holidays in the Jewish calendar where our ancestor’s made their way to Jerusalem to make sacrifices.  It gives me the perfect reason to remind all of you that you can make a pilgrimage with us from June 19-28, 2012 on the Centennial Mega Mission.  If you are already one of the over 130 people who have registered, thank you.  If you have not, what are you waiting for?   We promise you no sacrifices, only personal gains from this trip.

Wishing you a Chag Sameach and an early Shabbat Shalom.

Jeff Finkelstein

PS - Please see this important news release from the Jewish Association on Aging.


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