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Friday, May 24, 2013

This campaign supports high performing local and overseas agencies lead by super executives.  Over the last several months, Natan Sharansky, the Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel (one of our two key overseas partners), has been tapped by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to help formulate a solution to recent issues at the Kotel (the Western Wall).  While he continues to work through that process, I know that his expertise is helping to move forward out of the box ideas to help strengthen the sense of “achdut”, unity among the Jewish people.


Yesterday, with 800 attendees at the Forbes Funds Nonprofit Summit in Downtown Pittsburgh, one of our Beneficiary Agencies, Jewish Family and Children's Service, received the Wishart Award.  “The Wishart Award is made to a local nonprofit human service or community development organization that has demonstrated a sustained commitment to excellence in management and governance.”  Annually, only one agency receives this recognition.  JF&CS now joins a prestigious list of prior recipients.  Aryeh Sherman, CEO of JF&CS, proudly accepted the award.


The Nonprofit Summit was co-chaired by Brian Schreiber, the CEO of our Jewish Community Center.  Brian also serves as the Chair of the Greater Pittsburgh Nonprofit Partnership (GPNP).  Brian's leadership in the JCC, within the Jewish Community Center movement and in our local nonprofit community has been extraordinary.


Sitting in the audience yesterday and hearing our Beneficiary Agencies recognized for what they do felt great.  I am sure that my colleague, Karen Feinstein, at the Jewish Healthcare Foundation must feel the same given the Foundation's support of our social service agencies with their annual $900,000 block grant.  And now, I hope you, as donors to our campaign do too.


Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom.


Jeffrey H. Finkelstein



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