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Shabbat Shalom - December 10, 2010

I also want to share with you two pieces about the fires which devastated the Carmel Forest in the North of Israel.  One is a video by the Jewish Agency for Israel which you can watch by clicking here.  In addition, I encourage you to read the short letter directed to our community, written by Ron Shani, the Head of the Misgav Regional Council. 


I wish to share with you what have happened in Israel and Misgav during the tragic weekend.

As you well know, 42 people lost their lives during the outburst of the wildfire in the Carmel, and we're all saddened and mourning. Such a disaster shows us the perspective of our world, the sacredness of life and how fragile we are.

Misgav is close to the Carmel mountain ridge, yet close enough for the wildfire to cross. During the last weekend there were close to 50 wildfire ignitions in the Misgav region alone, mainly in our forests (a few times in the Segev forest, near Yodfat, close to Tal-El and Moreshet, and many more).

The firefighters on duty (those that were not taken to the Carmel), together with the police force and many volunteers from Misgav villages and our security officers, and sometimes with the aid of airplanes (that were re-directed from their efforts at the Carmel) extinguished all those fires.

Our volunteers, together with our security forces, positioned observation points on a few mountain peaks, and were able to detect those fires before they had the chance to become a wildfire. We have used unique night-vision equipment that was acquired a few years ago with the generous contribution of your Federation funds! Furthermore, Opgal, the company which manufactures this system, loaned us a second system for the weekend. Using those two systems enabled us to monitor and detect fires while they were small enough to be controlled and extinguished.

Moreover, the firefighting vehicle which the Pittsburgh community contributed to Misgav a few years ago was the key differentiator between a small, manageable fire and a disaster. This vehicle was left on duty in Misgav, and, unfortunately, had a full plate of work during this last weekend. I can't even think what would have happened without it.

I'd wish to thank you for your support and kind words. It did make the difference! Please convey my thanks to the greater Pittsburgh Jewish community.

Many thanks,

All the above happen because people like you in over 150 Jewish communities in North America come together to support their Jewish Federations.  Through your financial support you do all the above and so much more.  While Chanukah has just ended, thank you for making modern day miracles happen.

Shabbat Shalom.


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