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Shabbat Shalom - February 18, 2011

The Cuban Jewish community numbers approximately 1,300 individuals, most of whom live in Havana.  Beyond visiting the three active synagogues in Havana and meeting the community leadership, we participated in Shabbat services at the Patronato synagogue (a Conservative congregation) and watched an Israeli dance performance by the community’s children at a Havdallah service.  Perhaps, the highlight for most of us was seeing the community religious school on Sunday morning (as an aside, all three congregations work together on their community’s Jewish education – what a novel idea).  Over 160 of the community’s children participate in the religious school.  I met Yonatan, a ten year old (the same age as my son).  He and I couldn’t communicate well as every time I tried to speak a word of my high school Spanish, it came out as Hebrew.  But we held hands and together participated in Israeli dances.  It was magical. 

While in Cuba, we learned about the situation of the Cuban people.  A physician makes about the equivalent of $30/month.  Rations provide Cuban citizens with such items as 5 pounds of rice per month.  Each person receives a very small amount of protein per month.  Through our support, we are supplying the Jewish community with a weekly Shabbat chicken dinner, greatly expanding their intake of protein.  We provide food at the religious school so those children have additional nutrition.  We provide transportation so that the Jewish community can partake in all these wonderful and crucial activities.  We provide a couple from Buenos Aires who spend two years of their lives working to teach and train the community.  We help any Jew wanting to make aliyah to fulfill that dream through the work of our other overseas partner, the Jewish Agency. 

On the wall of the synagogue, the words “Am Yisrael ba-Cuba Chai” are written.  It means that “the Nation of Israel lives in Cuba”.  Thank you to Dr. Miller for calling for help.  Thank you to the inspiring work by the JDC.  Thank you to each of you as donors to our campaign for making it all happen.  In essence, you were the ones who answered that call from Dr. Miller.

Shabbat Shalom.  Un buen Shabbat.  Am Yisrael ba-Cuba Chai!!!!!


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