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Shabbat Shalom - February 25, 2011

Our 2011 Annual Campaign has now raised in excess of $7.4 Million towards our $13 Million goal.  Over $11.3 Million in new dollars have already been donated to the Federation Foundation towards our goal of $13 Million.  We have secured over $2.7 Million as part of the State of Pennsylvania Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program to benefit the students at our three day schools and all of our Jewish community’s Jewish preschools.  It sounds impressive and it is extremely impressive, but our Federation can not tell you stop giving because the needs are far too great. 

This is going to be a challenging year for our agencies with major cutbacks looming from State and Federal sources.  These cuts could have a dramatic impact on some of the most needy among us.  At the same time, I received an email this past week that 40,000 young people have applied for this year’s Birthright Israel trips, but there is only enough funding for 15,000 of them.  The Squirrel Hill Food Pantry has experienced a major uptick in requests for food since moving into their new facility.  I could go on and on.

Don’t stop giving.  Help us achieve and surpass our goals, and not for the sake of reaching a goal, but for the sake of all the people in need.

Shabbat Shalom.


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