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Shabbat Shalom - Friday, August 19, 2011

• Being able to celebrate Shabbat with all of my friends.  I like going zipping and tubing.
• … Shabbat because I love being able to get together with the camp and sing, dance and have a good time together!!!
• …that the prayers are easier to listen and sit through.  It’s more enjoyable.
• That we get to be part of the meal prayers.  I also like the different activities we do.  I also lastly like tubing.  All these things make camp fun.
• The singing on Shabbat.
• Exploring my religion, having fun and making friends.  I explore my religion because I go to Shabbat services.
• …I can relate to other people about being Jewish.  I also like that I can meet and know some of my friends better.

Our Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future provided, this summer alone, over 120 first time campers with a $1,000 incentive to attend the Jewish camp of their choosing.  The CFJF has now secured over $17 Million in commitments and continues to grow every week.

Thank you to all the donors to the CFJF and thank you to all the campers who did my work of writing this week’s message.

Shabbat Shalom.


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