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Shabbat Shalom - Friday, January 4, 2013

What I think Mitzvah Day shows us is that members of our Jewish community want to give of their time.  It is the reason we created the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh Volunteer Center this past year - to match up needs in both the Jewish and general community with able and willing volunteers.  The Center is funded by all our donors to the Annual Campaign and by the United Way. 


Our Federation Vision statement  (what we aspire to achieve as an organization) is to create a "thriving, vibrant and engaged Jewish community."  This Volunteer Center fits perfectly as a strategy towards that higher goal.  Please go to our volunteer center website at  From there, you can connect with one of our fabulous staff to explore the right placement for you. 


Lots of people have their New Year’s resolutions.  Why not make one of yours to volunteer more?  It may be easier than trying to eat less.


Shabbat Shalom.


P.S.  Thank you to all the donors who have already committed to the 2013 Campaign.  We have already secured over $5 Million in pledges towards our goal of $13,350,000.

Jeffrey H. Finkelstein
President / CEO



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