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Shabbat Shalom, Friday December 21, 2012

Next week, the Jewish Federation Volunteer Center will put on Mitzvah Day – a day dedicated to volunteerism in our Greater Pittsburgh community.  With a complete sell out with over 650 already signed up, this year’s turnout is a record breaking achievement.  Having participated in past Mitzvah Day experiences, I see the happiness that the volunteers gain by helping others.  Another way I like to read Rabbi Nachman’s quote above is to add the Hebrew word “La’asot” at the beginning, which changes the translation to:  “To do a large mitzvah is to always be happy”.

I have heard from so many of our Federation volunteers and donors about how fulfilled they feel by giving and participating in our Federation activities.  They say that while they give so much of their financial and human resources, they get so much more in return.  It goes right along with the idea that "To do a large mitzvah is to always be happy."

As we come to the close of 2012, I thank each of our donors, volunteers, staff and agency partners for all the Mitzvot they do on a daily basis.  I hope that each of you is as happy as I am to be part of this great community.

Shabbat Shalom and an early happy new year.

Jeff Finkelstein, President/CEO
Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh


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