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Shabbat Shalom - Friday, June 14, 2013

Last night, the Federation Board met and a D'var Torah was delivered by one of our local members of National Young Leadership Cabinet.  He talked about this week's parshah and demonstrated what it teaches us about leadership.  This young adult is a product of a prior year's Wechsler Leadership Development Institute class.  He sits on the Board of Community Day School and is now involved with our Community Relations Council.
While our 2013 campaign is not yet complete, we can already share with you that both the percentage of our donor base who are young adults, as well as the number of donors who are young adults has risen for a third straight year.  These are all positive signs and show our community's continued emphasis and engagement of young adults.  While I definitely am proud of where we have come, I know we can do even more.
By the way, our 2013 Campaign now stands at nearly $12.7 Million towards our ultimate goal of $13,350,0000.  Every dollar is getting us closer and closer. 
What an amazing community!
Shabbat Shalom and happy Flag Day.  To all the Dads out there, Happy Father’s Day!
P.S.  The Federation will have a booth this Sunday at PrideFest in Downtown Pittsburgh.  If you are attending, please stop by!

Jeffrey H. Finkelstein


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