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Shabbat Shalom - Friday, June 7, 2013

During the speeches honoring Federation,  Hillel Academy leadership spoke about the financial resources the Federation invests in the school along with the other Jewish Day schools.  However, Macy Kisilinsky, the outgoing President and fellow honoree, spoke more specifically about the Federation’s commitment to Hillel.  He talked about our work through a joint Federation/Hillel Academy committee that led to the current management structure of the school.  He described the Federation’s “coaching” role in Hillel’s search process for a CEO.  He made it clear that the Federation is much more than just an organization that gives financial resources, it helps in ways through its human resources, talents and skills.

As we gave more thought about the request to be honored, we realized that the Federation is not “just” an organization, it is a collection of nearly 5,000 individual donors – people like each of you, who have entrusted your charitable dollars with us.  I was able to accept the honor on your behalf.  Congratulations to each and every one of you for being honored by Hillel Academy.  And thank you to Hillel Academy for honoring each of us.

Shabbat Shalom.

Jeffrey H. Finkelstein


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