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Shabbat Shalom - Friday, March 11, 2011

There is actually a great, old joke about the person who keeps praying to win the lottery, but never buys a lottery ticket.  We must remember that actions are important too.  In the story of Purim, it is Mordechai and Esther's actions, in concert with the fasting of the Jewish community, which help to save the Jewish people.

I've been watching what has been happening in Wisconsin and what I expect to happen in our State now that Governor Corbett has released his budget.  It's inspiring to see the electorate getting involved, both those who agree with the budgetary changes and those who do not.  It is part of what makes our country so great.  Their actions are important to having an impact.

Here are some actions you can take to help our Jewish community.  Act now if you haven't already by supporting our 2011 Community Campaign.  We have now raised $9 Million towards our $13 Million goal.  I am happy to report that so many people are increasing their commitments this year.  Act now if you are in the midst of estate planning by contacting our Foundation office for our assistance in including our community in your plans.  Act now if you have a company paying corporate state income taxes to learn about the Educational Improvement Tax Credit to support our community's preschools and day schools at little or no cost.  Act now to sign up for our Centennial Mega Mission in June 2012.  Act next Saturday night by attending the synagogue of your choice to hear the Megillah.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and an easy, but meaningful Fast of Esther.


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