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Shabbat Shalom - March 18, 2011

Earlier in the week, several volunteers traveled to New York to give input into a new model of overseas funding for the Federation system.  I believe 16 Federations were represented at this meeting, one of six meetings taking place around the country to elicit feedback about the new Global Planning Table.  The idea is to develop a process where Federations together can determine the major needs of the Jewish people around the world, develop strategies to address them, fund those strategies and then measure the impact of those strategies over a period of time.  Getting every Federation’s input is important so that the outcome will have all of us working together for the betterment of the Jewish people.  We know that together, we can accomplish much more than doing so independently.  I was very proud that Pittsburgh had the largest group of volunteers of any Federation participating fully in this conversation.

Like all of you, my attention this past week has been on Japan.  From the initial destructiveness of the earthquake and tsunami to the pending nuclear threat, the toll on our fellow humans in that part of the world is incomprehensible.  We opened a mailbox to receive donations to help the people of Japan.  We did the same when disasters struck in Haiti, New Orleans, etc.  It’s what we do as Jews.  Support for this effort has been heartwarming.  At Community Day School, students are raising money for our effort, and at the JCC, a concert is being held with the proceeds going to our mailbox.  Our dollars will be joined with those from Federations around the country to support the work of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.  Collectively, we not only have impact on the Jewish community, but on the world.

This Purim, two Fogel children will be observing Purim and shiva concurrently for their parents and three siblings who were brutally murdered last Friday.  Our Federation system, through the Jewish Agency for Israel's Victims of Terror Emergency Fund has already provided resources to this devastated family.  May all their memories be for a blessing.  I hope you find a meaningful place in our wonderful community to hear the Megilla on Saturday night (and/or on Sunday).

Shabbat Shalom and a happy Purim.

Jeff Finkelstein, President and CEO


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