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Shabbat Shalom - Friday, October 8, 2010

I believe that we in Pittsburgh, through the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh are helping to write, to continue the analogy, a new computer code for our  operating system to address this very problem.

This past year, we launched the Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future, as Bill referred to, Chaired by Cindy and David Shapira.

The Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future provided 72 first time campers with a $1,000 incentive grant this past summer.  We have letters from some of the families who said that they chose a Jewish camp because of this financial incentive. 

Our Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future has secured some permanent funding for JBurgh, a program run by Hillel JUC to reach out to 20 something's.

Private donations will fund, through the Federation, a busload of Pittsburgh young adults' participation in birthright Israel this December. 

We have funded programs such as the PJ Library which, through the end of June, has already distributed free Jewish books to 781 families with preschool aged children. 

The Federation pulled together a number of funders to launch a Master's in Jewish Professional Studies program by Spertus College in Chicago.  Twelve of our community's professionals representing not only Federation and its beneficiary agencies but also other Jewish institutions in Pittsburgh are participating in the two year program towards a master's degree.  These professionals will be better equipped to transmit Jewish values to those with whom they work.

As an aside, while much of the funding for all the above programs comes through the Federation, it is our beneficiary agencies who make the work happen.  Thank you to each of them for their continued partnership.

I know that as the Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future continues to progress, we can do much more, with your help.  And, while we work to ensure our Jewish future we can and we must continue to help those in need in our community and in Jewish communities around the world. 

Thank you to all of you, for all you do for our community. 


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