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Chag Sameach - Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This year’s class has representation from the city, North Hills and South Hills and affiliation with each of the three major Jewish denominations.  There are intermarried and “in married” couples and “Jews by Choice”.  I love the diversity which is representative of our community.  On the holiday of Sukkot, there is a custom of welcoming the ushpizin, an Aramaic word meaning “guests”.  These guests are Biblical characters:  Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and David.  More contemporary versions contain some of the female heroes of the Bible.  Each of the guests represents different personality traits and qualities. 

As we celebrate Sukkot and invite all these diverse “guests” into our temporary homes, our sukkot, let’s continue to make sure that our home on a macro level, our community, continues to attract new, young leaders from diverse backgrounds and with diverse views into greater involvement in our Federation.

Chag Sameach and an early Shabbat Shalom. 

P.S.  Once again, the Federation has a sukkah in its parking lot.  If you work or study in Oakland and want to eat in our sukkah, please be one of our ushpizin.  We just ask that you check in with security in our building. 


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