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Shabbat Shalom - Friday, September 2, 2011

On Tuesday, I joined a large group of individuals at City Council where Doug Shields lead an effort to name Gilad Shalit as an honorary citizen of the city of Pittsburgh.  It was a very moving ceremony with Councilman Shields speaking about the plight of Shalit, as well as Lou Plung (Federation Chair-Elect), Laurie Zionts (Chair of our Israel Advocacy sub-committee) and David Ainsman (Chair of the our Community Relations Council).  Hillel Academy brought their entire high school to participate and many members of the community were in attendance, as well.  After the vote passed unanimously, the room erupted into several minutes of loud applause.  Councilman Shields commented that it was the first time, in his memory, that such an action by Council resulted in such an outpouring of emotional support. 


Please click here so you can become more informed about Gilad Shalit and his five years in captivity.    


In Jewish tradition, one of the highest mitzvot is “Pidyon Shvuyim”, freeing the captives.  Let’s do what we can so that Gilad Shalit can spend his 26thbirthday, next August, reunited with his family.


Shabbat Shalom and best wishes for a great Labor Day weekend.


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