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Shabbat Shalom - Sept. 17, 2010

I’m sorry that  thousand of young adults were placed on waiting lists this year for birthright Israel.   We know that when a young person is told there is no space left for them but that they should try again, they often don't.  And we know from academic studies that the birthright experience has a transformational impact on its participants.  While we did make a major increase in our allocation to birthright this year, we must do more.

I'm sorry that the demand for scholarship at all our local institutions from the JCC to our Day Schools to adult education at the AJL has seen a precipitous rise.  We must do more to allow everyone access to the richness of our community.

I'm sorry that two years ago, our Federation system was feeding well over 200,000 elderly Jews across the 11 time zones of the Former Soviet Union.  Because of a lack of funds, we have had to reduce the number of people we serve to 160,000.  These seniors, many of whom are Holocaust survivors, have no safety net except for us.  We must do more to take care of "our" parents.

We must be proud of our community and what we have accomplished.  Our fundraising this past year was superb compared to many other nonprofits with over $32 Million secured.  Two days ago, our Federation was featured on a national conference call for Federation professionals on how the fundraising and planning sides of the Federation operation can work effectively together.  Again, we should be extremely proud.  However, we must, and we can, do more. 

Wishing each of you and your families a G'mar Chatimah Tova and an easy, but extremely meaningful fast.  Shabbat Shalom.

Jeff Finkelstein, President/CEO


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