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Shabbat Shalom, Friday April 26, 2013

Mentor a child. Visit with a senior. Make toys for sick children. Volunteer once a week, once a month, once a year.  Whatever you can do… a mitzvah!

Over the last nine months, the Jewish Federation Volunteer Center has made an incredible impact on the Pittsburgh Jewish community.  Over 1400 volunteers have made time to make a difference in someone’s life. Our volunteers are dedicated, motivated, patient, and driven.  We have been able to match ready and willing volunteers with agencies and organizations that are in desperate need of volunteers.  Many, although certainly not all, of the organizations for which we match volunteers are nonprofits that benefit from the dollars raised through the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh's annual campaign.   The Volunteer Center is just another way that we can help to ensure the continued viability of all facets of the Pittsburgh Jewish community.


I want to share a story with you about a woman from Charlotte, North Carolina who called us the week before Passover.  She was referred to us from Jewish Family & Children Services, a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh.  Lynn* was traveling to Pittsburgh with her 7 year old daughter who suffers from a genetic disease. Each year, Lynn and her daughter need to be seen by a doctor and be treated at Children’s Hospital.  She needed assistance for her stay in Pittsburgh with meals and transportation, which led her to contact JF&CS, who in turn contacted us at the Volunteer Center.  We were able to connect her to volunteers in our community who helped her with everything she needed during her time in Pittsburgh.  In an interesting twist of fate, Lynn was part of the National Young Leadership Cabinet of the Jewish Federations of North America years ago.  She and her husband were very philanthropic and gave back tremendously to their community.  Now, she has become a recipient of the Federation system and uses the services of Jewish Family & Children Services in her everyday life.  Seeing both sides of the coin has made Lynn especially grateful for everything that we at the Volunteer Center were able to provide for her.  Lynn's story makes you take a step back and see how one person's life can be effected by the Volunteer Center and the support of the Federation.


Another example of the Volunteer Center's work is with Bob*, a 90-year-old Jewish war veteran resident in East Liberty who contacted us in November.  Every year he gathers his friends and neighbors to place flags on the graves of fallen Jewish war veterans.  He places almost 200 dozen (2400) flags in seven different Jewish cemeteries. Bob needs our help to accomplish this mitzvah.  The Jewish Federation Volunteer Center is working to recruit volunteers (a few Diller teens have already signed on!) to help Bob honor those who fought for our country.


Lastly,  Chuck* is a father of two who receives food from the Squirrel Hill Community Food Pantry.  He will occasionally ask the staff if there are any more lasagnas available because lasagna is his daughter's "favorite food."  The lasagnas to which Chuck was referring were handmade by volunteers from the Volunteer Center.  Delivering these lasagnas to the food pantry allows for the clients there to enjoy a home cooked meal.  Chuck and his family love them and enjoy them whenever they are available.


With over 286 opportunities, the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh's Volunteer Center is the one stop shop for volunteering opportunities.  This community needs our help.  This community needs our volunteers.


It is my personal goal to reach out to every Jew in Pittsburgh who wants to get involved.  Everyone should be secure in the knowledge that there is a place to turn whether seeking help or looking for opportunities to give back.  There are many people like Lynn, Bob, and Chuck who need our help.  There are also many people who want to help people like Lynn, Bob, and Chuck.


Change a life. Change the world. Volunteer.


Shabbat Shalom.


Jenny Jones
Volunteer Center Coordinator


P.S. Every other week, I send out an email with all of our upcoming volunteer opportunities.  If you are interested in being added to our volunteer email list, please send your email to

* Names have been changed for confidentiality



Jeff Finkelstein, President/CEO

Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh


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