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Shabbat Shalom, Friday, April 19, 2013

This week, my multiple identities became more pronounced.  On Monday, my Boston identity came to life as I heard the news about the bombing during the Boston Marathon.  I have walked right by where the bombing took place.  I’ve watched the Marathon run through my hometown of Framingham.  I had friends both from Boston and Pittsburgh who were running the Marathon that day.  The next day, when The Yankees held a moment of silence for the victims and played the Red Sox anthem of “Sweet Caroline” in Yankees Stadium, my Boston identity became even more enhanced. 

During those same days, my Jewish identity got a boost too.  Between the Federation’s Yom Hazikaron (Israel Remembrance Day) commemoration on Sunday night with approximately 400 attending a very moving ceremony and the Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) celebration with thousands participating at the JCC, my connection with Israel and our people was heightened.  It was not just the content of the program that had the effect, it was also just being around so many members of our Jewish community.

We all have those multiple identities.  For example, I would imagine that almost everyone who reads this has a strong Steelers identity.

The question for our Federation, our agencies, our synagogues and our community is how do we provide opportunities that will ignite that Jewish identity among all our other identities?  For each individual, different programs and activities can have that impact.  It could be our current JFILM Festival, Adult education, volunteering in a Jewish organization, playing basketball with other Jews, traveling to Israel or visiting a foreign country and connecting with its Jewish community. 

We are lucky to live in a Jewish community that offers so much.  We could both provide even more varied experiences and at the same time could add more depth to what we already offer.  That’s part of what our Federation is working to achieve with all our partners.

As I am about to hit the send button on this email, I am reading the latest news in Boston.  The city is on lockdown.  As we enter Shabbat, I know you join me in expressing our condolences to the families who have lost loved ones, for a speedy recovery to those who were injured and to an end to this difficult chapter in Boston’s history.

Shabbat Shalom.

Jeff Finkelstein



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