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Shabbat Shalom, Friday August 3, 2012

While we celebrate our completion of the reading with the words "Be Strong", we also hope that we will continue to celebrate our successes in the future when we say "and may we be strengthened".  This reminds me of what one of my former bosses and mentors used to say to me after I did something really well: "You should feel great.  Take the next 10 minutes and really savor them…then, get back to work".
Well, that's how I'm feeling right now.  Our 2012 Campaign this week achieved its goal of $13 Million, an all-time high for the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh.  It is a remarkable accomplishment and shows how much Jewish Pittsburghers care about their community, both here, in Israel and around the world.  It is a testament to the hard work of hundreds of volunteers and our Federation staff.  What is even more praiseworthy is that in the last two years, our campaign has grown by nearly $500,000.  In these difficult economic times, our dollars are more critical than ever.  Chazak, Chazak.  Be Strong.  Be Strong.
In our community, we continue to struggle with the issue of a waning Jewish identity from too many.  Demand for scholarships for Jewish education are on the rise.  More parents with financial need require day care for their children so they can work.  Our community continues to age and our seniors need help to remain living independently.  In Israel, there are segments of the population needing job training to enter the workforce.  In Ethiopia, the final group of Jews are ready to make their move to Israel.  In Russia, more children than we can handle are wanting a Jewish camping experience to strengthen their Jewish identity.
Our 2013 Campaign is off to a great start with well over $1.5 Million already committed.  V'nitchazek.  May we be strengthened.
Thank you to all of you for what you have done.  Thank you for what you will do.

Shabbat Shalom,

Jeffrey H. Finkelstein


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