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Shabbat Shalom: Friday, December 14, 2012

Mitzvah Day, our annual day of hands on volunteering on December 25th is just around the corner.  Two weeks prior, we already have over 100 more individuals signed up than participated in last year's program.  This is obviously due to the creation and implementation of our new Jewish Federation Volunteer Center.

The high quality of the programs facilitated by our Federation is attracting greater and greater numbers of participants and thereby connecting them to our community and inspiring their personal Jewish journeys.  We are like our Chanukah Menorah at this point in the holiday.  The lights are very, very bright, yet, we still have room for two more candles.  We are doing well and with your help and support, we can continue our positive trajectory and can kindle those last two candles.

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Chanukah.  Go Steelers!

Jeff Finkelstein


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