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Shabbat Shalom, Friday July 18, 2013

The reason I came to Israel was that I was given a "z'chut", an honor, to serve as a trainer for the Shlichim (Israel emissaries) being sent to North America.  There were over 100 in the group and I had the chance to speak with them about American Jewish communities, the demographics of American Jewry, and the differences between being Jewish in Israel and being Jewish in North America.  For many of these shlichim, they will be part of a minority of the population for the very first time.  Their calendar will not totally revolve around the Jewish calendar.  They will see what committed Jews pay financially in order to partake of what the community has to offer. 


I met our two shlichim, one heading to work in our JCC and the other to the Hillel JUC.  They are exceptional young people and I know they will make a huge difference for our community in the coming year.


While in Israel, I was able to meet with our Pittsburgh young adults on Onward Israel* and our CIT's from the JCC’s Emma Kaufmann Camp (EKC)**.  Both groups have had transformational experiences.  We asked the Onward Israel participants if they would recommend the program to their friends and every single one of them responded affirmatively.  With both groups, I asked if they plan to come back to Israel, all enthusiastically responded positively. 


I like to read lots of studies showing the efficacy of the programs we fund.  It is good to be data and outcomes driven.  You know what, sometimes, you just have to forget all that reading, all the data and all the analysis and just listen to those participating to know how successful our programs are.


Shabbat Shalom.


*Onward Israel is a program of the Jewish Agency for Israel.  It sends young college aged Jews to Israel for an internship.  The idea is that young people need internships to dress up their resumes.  They can do so in Israel.  It is now in its second year and we are helping 17 students participate. 


**The CIT trip to Israel is partially underwritten by an endowment established as part of the Jewish Federation’s Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future.  Also, all participants from Pittsburgh receive an Israel scholarship available to any teen to travel to Israel. 


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