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Shabbat Shalom, Friday July 22, 2011

I believe that donors want to support organizations which are successful, yet not “full of themselves”.  They want to support organizations with a consistent track record of making a difference.  They want to support an organization which aligns with their own values.

That is they kind of organization we are trying to not only project, but to actually emulate.  We have had wonderful success recently.  Our 2011 Campaign has now crossed $12.7 Million.  We believe we will reach $12.8 Million as a final result.  That would be a quarter million dollars more than last year and the highest campaign achievement in our community’s history.  That is a remarkable outcome in what continues to be one of the most challenging economic periods in recent history.  Our Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future has secured nearly $16 Million in commitments in just a year and a half.  Other communities have been calling us to find out how we have structured this campaign with its laser like focus on the issue of Jewish continuity.

It’s not just about the dollars, but also about what we do with them.  This year’s allocations take into account the need to take care of the most vulnerable in Pittsburgh and around the world during this economic downturn while continuing to stress the important priority of focusing on instilling a strong Jewish identity in our community.  We make our decisions through committee processes which include donors to our Federation from all geographic areas of the Pittsburgh region, denominational affiliations, ages and genders.  At every Funding Committee meeting, the Federation’s Vision, Mission and Values statements are placed at everyone’s seat to remind each of us about what we are trying to achieve and the way in which we will conduct ourselves.

I am so proud to be part of a successful organization making a tangible difference in the Jewish world.  Thank you for making us the success we are.  Even with our success, we have identified countless needs we would like to address.  With your support in the future, we can accomplish anything we set out to achieve.

Shabbat Shalom.

(No message next week!)

Jeff Finkelstein, President and CEO


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