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Shabbat Shalom, Friday June 8, 2012

I asked that question about what did YOU accomplish this week not to find out what you actually did with your own time, but to let you know that as a donor to the Federation, you made everything in the prior paragraph a reality.  And you did not do any of the above alone, you did it as part of our collective community.  I thank you for enabling so much to happen in our community, day in and day out, through your support.
This will be my final time writing until the return of the Centennial Mega Mission at the end of June.  I look forward to sharing my reflections with you at that time.
To all 290 participating in the Mission, “Nisiah Tova”, have a great trip.  See you in Israel!  To everyone unable to join us, I hope you will keep up with our travels by reading the blogs and seeing the pictures posted on this site.

Shabbat Shalom

Jeff Finkelstein


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