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Shabbat Shalom, Friday March 8, 2013

The students from both Pitt and CMU actually had the privilege of being part of a new Birthright program with an add-on consisting of several days of study at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies.  Birthright is funded by your Annual Campaign support.  This specific bus was funded by Pittsburgh donors who gave financial support over and above their Annual Campaign contribution.  The incredible gift of several days of study at Pardes was made possible by another Pittsburgh donor.  Together, we all made this happen.
These students had a transformational experience.  All spoke about the impact of the "Mifgash" portion of the Birthright trip.  This "Mifgash" places 8 Israeli soldiers on the buses with the Birthright participants.  Being with their Israeli counterparts opened their eyes.  The relationships formed continue to today.  Several said they were texting the young Israelis just that afternoon.  The time at Pardes impacted each of these college students in unique ways.  For some, it was their first time engaged in Jewish text study.  Others talked about how the text was brought to life through excursions they took in Israel experiencing what they had studied.  Every individual spoke about the fact that following the Birthright experience, they have become even more engaged in Jewish life on campus by participating in Shabbat dinners and literally just feeling comfortable “stopping by” the Edward and Rose Berman Hillel Jewish University Center.
Birthright Israel works.  Research (click here to read one of the recent research pieces) on the impact of this gift demonstrates that this ten day experience in the land of Israel with peers ignites something deep inside participants.  This Pardes add-on has the potential to deepen that result. 
At the end of our meeting, the students were asked if Birthright should continue to be supported.  The answer was a resounding YES.  They were asked if this Pardes add-on to Birthright should continue to be supported.  The answer was a resounding YES.  They were asked if the Hillel Jewish University Center that helped to organize and staff the trip should continue to be supported.  The answer was a resounding YES. 
Impact.  These Birthright alums felt it and each of you helped to make it happen.  Thank you.
Shabbat Shalom.
P.S.  Hoping many of you will be participating in Good Deeds Day this Sunday.  We have well over 650 individuals already registered.  For more information click here.


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