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Shabbat Shalom, Friday May 20

Natan's dream of making his life in the State of Israel became a reality.  He became a member of Knesset and today, he serves as the Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel (for a good bio of Natan on Wikipedia, click here),  The Jewish Agency is one of the largest Jewish NGO's in the world and the recipient of the majority of our overseas funding.  Natan has been leading the Jewish Agency through a major change in mission with a laser like focus on the issue of strengthening Jewish identity of Jews around the world, while maintaining its historic role in facilitating aliyah and absorption of new immigrants to Israel. 

Natan will be with us on Tuesday night for our annual Pacesetter's Event at 7:00 pm at Rodef Shalom.  This annual program is a thank you to all the Federation Annual Campaign donors of $1,000 and above.  I have to let you know that our staff is going to be really upset with me promoting the event because we are near capacity already, but I hope you will come to be inspired by one of my heroes.  The format will be an interview conducted by our very own Edgar Snyder and the audience will be able to submit questions for Natan to answer.  Before that portion of the program we will honor the Perlow Family with the PNC Community Builder's Award and Sarita Eisner with the Campaigner of the Year Award.  We will also acknowledge the role our community played in the Operation Exodus Campaign 20 years ago which helped so many Jews leave Russia for Israel and the United States. 

I look forward to celebrating with many of you next Tuesday night.

Shabbat Shalom,

Jeff Finkelstein


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