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Shabbat Shalom: Friday, Oct. 25, 2013

It reminded me about the fact that this so called “planned giving” field of our work is very complex.  Understanding what a Charitable Remainder Trust, an annuity, a Philanthropic Fund, a Charitable Lead Trust or what a bequest is can be difficult even for people who work in the finance arena.  Being able to analyze how to utilize these and other sophisticated charitable vehicles in order to lower one’s tax liability in the most advantageous way adds another layer of complexity. 


Our Federation is lucky to have talented, knowledgeable staff who can work with you and your financial planners to help determine a way for you to leave a lasting legacy for our Jewish community and help you minimize taxes and even, as in the case with an annuity, maximize a financial return for yourself.  This past year, our Foundation added its 1,000th fund as part of our $185 Million Jewish Community Foundation.  We are here to help you help our community.  Donors can endow their annual campaign commitments, support our local agencies and synagogues and give support to our Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future.  You have the ability to name programs and projects within our community, if you so choose. 


In this week's parsha, Chayei Sarah, we witness the death of Abraham.  He designates Isaac as his heir.  From Abraham and that child, we have the birth of the Jewish people.  Abraham left quite a legacy.  How about you? 


Shabbat Shalom.


P.S.  You can reach our talented Foundation staff by emailing our Foundation Director, Dan Brandeis at or our Associate Foundation Director, Sharon Perelman at  Both are attorneys with years of experience in estate planning and taxation.


Jeff Finkelstein


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