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Shabbat Shalom, Nov. 1 2013

The meeting was Chaired by Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald.  State Senator Jay Costa, Representative Dan Frankel and State Senator Matt Smith were all in attendance.  Representatives of many of the region’s economic development organizations and universities were also present.  The ultimate goal is to help build the economy in our region as well as in Israel. 


This initiative is part of our work under the Community Relations Council.  You can read more about it in an article in the Tribune Review by clicking here.


This past week, the Federation also went through a major change that I expect and hope none of you will even notice.  We “hit the switch” and began using a new database that helps us manage our donor relationships along with all our accounting.  Our old system dates back almost 15 years.  We are finally moving into the new millennium and are only 13 years late!  The reason I even mention this administrative item is to recognize our incredible staff.  We have taken a leadership role in the Federation system in helping to develop and customize this software to Federation needs.  And, our staff has worked so hard over the last few months from both a technical and training perspective, that we have had no major bumps (unlike another piece of technology the Federal government tried to implement recently).


Next week, I will be in Israel for the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America, some pre meetings and a visit to our Partnership 2Gether region of Karmiel and Misgav with a leadership contingent from Pittsburgh.   I look forward to sharing some of what I learn and experience with you in two weeks.


Shabbat Shalom.


Jeff Finkelstein, President/CEO

Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh


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