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Shabbat Shalom, Friday, October 5, 2012

I love this holiday.  In fact, my kids love this holiday too.  It’s fun and meaningful at the same time.  Everyone in attendance at services is called to the Torah with an Aliyah (the ability to say the blessings before and after the Torah reading).  Even a child before Bar Mitzvah has this honor on this holiday.  I know that at my synagogue, we also have the chance to say “L’chaim” a few times as we dance and sing with the Torah scrolls.

In my lifetime and in the lifetime of many of you, we can remember a time when openly practicing Judaism in the Soviet Union was forbidden.  Next week, I know there will be pictures on the internet and in the Jewish press of Jews dancing in the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg with Torah scrolls as part of their Simchat Torah celebrations.  These Jewish communities across the 11 timezones of what we call the Former Soviet Union are still in their infancy of their development.   And each of you, through your support of the Federation, are helping to rekindle Jewish life there.  From Jewish schools to welfare centers and from JCC’s to Hillel’s, and even Birthright Israel trips, our overseas partners are working on your behalf to create thriving Jewish communities.

I invite you to attend the next in the Federation and Agency for Jewish Learning’s Conversations for a Jewish Future speaker series on October 18th at 7:00 pm at the Squirrel Hill JCC.  We will be hearing from Dr. Alan Hoffmann, the Director General of the Jewish Agency for Israel.  Alan’s talk is entitled, “YINZERS AND THE YIDDIN: Our Community’s Relationship with World Jewry in the Future”.  He will talk about these Jewish communities and others from around the world and our relationship with them.  It should be fascinating.  To sign up or for more information, please click here.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and a Chag Sameach!

P.S.  I am hoping to see lots of you at the Federation’s Annual meeting next Wednesday evening.  For more information, please click here.


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