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Shabbat Shalom, Friday September 28, 2012

Right now, our Federation has begun writing our community’s book for our 2013 Campaign.  It is open with $1.7 Million in commitments written into our book.  We have until next summer to raise the resources our agencies both locally and internationally need and deserve to best meet the needs of our clients.  I know that this community can and will rise to the challenge in a very positive way because when the Pittsburgh Jewish community decides to accomplish something, we always step to the plate. 


With your help, when our 2013 “Federation book” transitions from using the words "Katveinu" to "Chatmeinu" at the close of our campaign year, we will have so much to celebrate. You can play your part by not just contributing your increase to the campaign financially, but also by helping with your time.  If you are interested in serving as a volunteer solicitor, doing what I would call the holy work of asking others to give to the campaign, please contact us.  We will train you with the skills and knowhow to be successful.  One of the ways we can grow our resources is by having more of you helping to ask others to participate in our powerful collective venture. Trust me, it is not scary to ask someone else to donate.  It is invigorating knowing that you are asking for money not for yourself, but for others. 


Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and a fabulous Sukkot.  Chag Sameach.


P.S.  Mazel Tov to the Federation Marketing Department on receiving an Award of Honor from the International Association of Business Communicators Golden Triangle Awards for one of our advertising campaigns this past year!


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