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Shabbat Shalom, Friday, September 16, 2011

During our session with Rabbi Scott Aaron we discussed the topic of Jewish peoplehood. It was fascinating for all of us on staff to struggle with the meaning of those two words. Peoplehood includes our religion, culture, language, land and history. It allows us to engage members of our community in so many ways to be part of our community. Someone can get involved by traveling to Israel, by attending a religious school, joining a synagogue, by going to a Jewish camp or by volunteering in the Jewish community. It is part of our rationale in structuring the Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future to build permanent assets to fund this broad spectrum of programs which will connect Jews to Judaism.

Earlier this week, the Federation launched its newest program, the Jewish Business and Professionals Network (JB&P). Held at the offices of Reid Smith, over 150 people came to schmooze and network with their fellow Jews and fellow professionals. The turnout exceeded our expectations! We hope that this will become something which can help professionals network to grow their businesses and at the same time help our community by engaging new and more individuals in our amazing work.

When you ask most people in the community what the strength of our Federation is, they may say that we do a good job at raising money or at planning how to spend those dollars. Truthfully, our greatest strength is our ability to build relationships. Through those relationships and networks we are best positioned to secure the dollars necessary to maintain and grow our community. The JB&P Network is just one such example of this and of this concept of building a sense of Jewish peoplehood.

I hope to see you at the Federation’s Centennial Annual Meeting next Wednesday, September 21st where we will honor our community’s volunteers and professionals and hear the fabulous Jewish music of Rick Recht.

Shabbat Shalom!


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