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Shabbat Shalom, Friday, September 23, 2011

Our Lion of Judah event on Thursday for women donors of $5,000 and above was so inspiring.  We heard from one of the Canadian athletes who competed in the Munich Olympics and witnessed much of what happened with the murder of the 11 Israeli athletes by the Black September group.  Her story was about her Jewish journey.  She grew up in a home with very limited Jewish knowledge or observance.  Swimming was her passion and when her parents asked if she wanted a Bat Mitzvah, she opted to focus on her swimming.  Moments such as participating in the Maccabiah games and being in Munich, along with other important events later in life have kindled her passion for her Judaism and the Jewish community.  She is now a prominent lay leader in the Vancouver Federation and for our national Federation system.  I am leaving out large aspects of her story, but the point is that everyone can have a Jewish journey.

On Wednesday night the Jewish world will join in celebrating Rosh Hashanah.  As we begin 5772, our Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh renews its commitment to its vision statement to “build a thriving, vibrant and engaged Jewish community”.   That thriving, vibrant and engaged Jewish community has the possibility of providing meaningful and inspiring  moments to connect more Jews to our community and to lead every individual on their personal Jewish journey.

On behalf of all my colleagues at the Federation and on behalf of my family, we wish you a Shanah Tovah, a year of peace, happiness, prosperity and good health.

Shabbat Shalom


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