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Shabbat Shalom, March 9, 2012

Part of our challenge as an organization is that we are “the mutual fund” of the Jewish community.  We aggregate lots of dollars and then make strategic investments with those dollars in multiple places to garner a great return with low volatility.  I would venture to guess that any of you with mutual fund investments would not be able to name the underlying stocks and bonds held within your mutual funds; all you know is how that mutual fund is performing.

So, here is a quick listing, a bit of a prospectus, of some of the investments our communal mutual fund through all its development efforts, is making:

1. PJ Library – A program which sends free books to preschool aged children and their families.  The books bring Jewish content into the home.  In addition, we are helping to fund a part time program coordinator to engage those families.  Over 1,000 children have been engaged in this program.
2. Central Scholarship – The largest Jewish college scholarship program in the country is based right here in Pittsburgh. 
3. JBurgh – A program to engage 20 something year olds which has collected data to show its deep reach into this specific demographic.
4. Congregate Housing at Riverview – We provide dollars to Riverview to enhance the living of its residents helping to keep our seniors living independently for as long as possible.
5. Tevet Program in Israel – This cutting edge program trains many underemployed parts of Israeli society for employment, including Haredi members of Israeli society to work in high tech companies. 
6. Birthright Israel – We help to fund both the overall Birthright program and to fund specific buses for our Pittsburgh young adult community (a Pittsburgh bus will be going in June at the same time as our Centennial Mega Mission).

Did you know about all these?  My guess is probably not and this is truly just a smattering of some of the programs we help to make happen.  Our challenge is to continue to educate and inspire each of you with the powerful work we support. 

Unlike in this week’s parsha, Ki Tisa, where all the adult members of the Jewish people are commanded to give a half shekel to the community, we at the Federation understand that you will all give willingly when you know that your philanthropy is having a tangible impact on the quality of Jewish life in Pittsburgh and around the world.

Shabbat Shalom and hope you make it to the JFILM Festival which is opening next week!

P.S.  There will be no message next week.

Shabbat Shalom,

Jeff Finkelstein


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