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Shabbat Shalom, Friday March 2, 2012

I could just simply write to you that Purim starts tonight while my actual intention is to hope for a direct response by you.  That direct response is for each of us to find a place to hear the Megillah.  For some, it could be for a religious reason (we are commanded that hearing the Megillah is a Mitzvah).  For others, it might be the social time to interact with your fellow community members and friends.  For others, it might be about finding a fun, exciting activity which happens to be in a Jewish setting for your children or grandchildren.  Whatever the reason, I urge you to find a place where you feel comfortable to be part of this wonderful holiday that celebrates the saving of an entire Jewish community.  Click here to see a listing of our community’s congregations.

One of the customs on Purim is the giving of Mishloach Manot, gifts of food, to your friends and family.  One reason for this is to ensure that everyone has food and drink to celebrate the Purim Meal later in the day.  Our work at the Federation ensures that we have the dollars to make certain that all Jews have enough to eat and drink, both here and around the world, and that their needs, whatever they may be, are met.  While giving to the Federation may not fulfill the actual Jewish custom of Mishloach Manot from a traditional perspective, it definitely makes a difference on the other 364 (or 365 as it is this year) days of the year.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and a very happy Purim!

Jeff Finkelstein



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