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Shabbat Shalom

A group of us who participated in the Wexner Heritage Leadership Program studied some fabulous text from the Tanakh (Bible), Mishna and Talmud under the direction of the Agency for Jewish Learning's Community Scholar, Rabbi Scott Aaron.  We did so in a room at the Federation using video conferencing equipment to study with another group of leaders from both Karmiel and Misgav (our great Partnership 2Gether Communities in Israel) who were studying the same text with Rabbi Marc Rosenstein.  The text study served as a backdrop to discussing the role of religion in the State of Israel.  It was fascinating.  I know that such experiences will be an integral part of this Mission which as of today has 225 participants! 
Speaking of Israel, do you know a young person between 22-26 years old living in Pittsburgh who has never been on a peer trip to Israel?  If so, please let them know about a special Birthright Israel bus which will be in Israel at the same exact time as our Mega Mission.  This is a completely free trip for those who qualify and is being sponsored organizationally by Shalom Pittsburgh of the Federation and by J'Burgh of the Hillel Jewish University Center.  For more information, drop an email to Sara at or to Rachael at  The deadline for registration is very near.

This morning, the AJL presented to Federation leadership on some if its critical work with our community’s synagogues.  A panel including representatives of Beth Samuel Congregation of Ambridge, Rodef Shalom Congregation of Pittsburgh and Temple David of Monroeville spoke about the deep and transformational impact these programs are having.  You, as donors to the Federation, are having this impact.  You are helping the JCC begin a brand new program in partnership with Ohav Shalom in the North Hills to reach out to young families.  You, through the JDC, are training ultra Orthodox Israelis to work in the high tech sector and enter the work force.   You make all this and so much more happen.  It is real impact on real people. 
Today is the first day of the Hebrew month of Adar.  The Talmud says that “when Adar arrives, we increase our joy”.  With our Mega Mission and Birthright bus, with our Annual Community Campaign now at $8.5 Million, with fabulous agencies and unbelievably talented and dedicated staff and volunteers, one can only increase his/her joy!
Shabbat Shalom.


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