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Shabbat Shalom - April 1, 2011

When I moved to Pittsburgh almost 13 years ago, the Federation was closing in on a milestone campaign – reaching $10 Million.  I remember how excited everyone was.  What a phenomenal community I was joining!  This past week, our 2011 Campaign reached $10 Million.  It still gets me excited, even though I know we have lots more to do to reach our $13 Million goal.  Thank you to all our donors who have already made their commitment and to all our volunteers working to help us achieve our goal. 

Im Tirzu, Ayn Zo Aggadah.

We have lots of challenges in our community today, from the loss of Jewish identity to the growing social service needs of our families and seniors.  We have phenomenal agencies both here and abroad addressing these concerns.  With the right financial resources aligned with the best strategies, we can make a serious impact. 

Im Tirzu Ayn Zo Aggadah.

We are planning our Centennial Mega Mission to Israel next June.  We are hoping to take hundreds from our community to experience Israel together. 

Im Tirzu Ayn Zo Aggadah.

Yesterday began the new baseball season.  While my first baseball allegiance is to my cherished Boston Red Sox, I have hopes and dreams for our Pirates this season. 

Im Tirzu Ayn Zo Aggadah.

Let’s go Buccos!  Shabbat Shalom.

~Jeff Finkelstein, President and CEO


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