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Shabbat Shalom - November 4, 2011

While there were Patriots fans there, all of us were extremely cordial with one another.  In fact, I got to talking with a young Patriots fan who was spending a semester studying at Tel Aviv University as part of a MASA long term Israel experience (run by the Jewish Agency for Israel with our Federation’s support).  In 2003, a suicide bomber killed three and injured 50 people at this bar.  It is jolting to sit in this place while drinking a beer and watching a football game knowing that innocent people were killed at that very spot.

On Monday night, those of us from Pittsburgh had dinner with victims of terror in Israel, along with some of their family members.  It was very moving to hear their stories.  A beautiful girl, twelve years old, fell during a rocket attack on Sederot and lost her two front teeth.  She just had temporary implants put in and it was obvious how uncomfortable and self-aware she was.  She was shy and withdrawn.   During dinner I watched her speaking with other children who have been impacted by incidents of terror, and by the end of the night she began to smile and open up.  It was amazing to witness.  As I peered out the window directly across the street from the David Intercontinental Hotel where this dinner was taking place, I could see the Dolphinarium Discotheque, where in 2001, a suicide bomber killed 21 teens and injured 132.

I return to Pittsburgh, not with sadness from these experiences, but with incredible inspiration from the strength I observed by the survivors and from knowing the difference we have made in supporting these families.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom.

P.S.  If you have not yet registered for the Conversations for a Jewish Future lecture series, make sure you sign up now by clicking here.


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