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Shabbat Shalom, Friday August 31, 2012

I have to be honest.  My intention was to come in the morning, say a few words, and then return a few hours later when I was once again speaking.  But I could not leave.  I was mesmerized.  I was so moved hearing the tenacity of these great volunteer leaders who were planning for the ultimate end of their communities.  They are being extremely deliberate in thinking through all their concerns and what kind of legacy they will leave.  Their planning was beautiful and a true expression of Jewish leadership.
The next night I attended the opening session of our Wechsler Young Leadership Institute. This year long program educates a group of approximately twenty young adults about our rich Jewish community to enable them to take on leadership roles.  They are going to be able to add to our rich Jewish community here in Pittsburgh as so many who have graduated from this class have done before them.  These young adults are just beginning their leadership journey. 
In Jewish tradition, we like to talk about things going “M’dor L’dor”, from generation to generation.  This week was a perfect snapshot of what that can look like.

Shabbat Shalom.
Jeff Finkelstein, President/CEO


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