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Shabbat Shalom, Friday September 7, 2012

Towards the end of his talk, he specifically framed some of the programs which have a statistically proven, positive impact on Jewish identity.  He said that Israel travel, Day School education and Jewish camping are proven to be very effective.  Hearing that from him was reaffirming as we have launched our Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future effort with these three specific areas as our foci.  The Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future  has raised nearly $18 Million and is already impacting members of our community.  We hope to continue to grow this endowment fund and do even more.  Please let us know if you have an interest in being a donor to this very special effort. It is one of the most exciting initiatives ever by our community.
Returning to Steven Cohen’s thoughts, he also described the positive impact of Jewish preschool.  It is a time when we can connect not only with a child, but with the parents who are still very engaged in a hands on way with their children.  Perhaps more important than the content of the Jewish preschool programs, the fact that parents build their own social networks with other Jewish parents may be an even more important factor.  With nearly 100% of Jewish children attending a preschool, all we need to do is encourage more Jewish parents to choose a “Jewish” preschool.  A lot of food for thought!
Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and a good start to our High Holiday season with Selihot services on Saturday night.

Jeffrey H. Finkelstein
President & CEO


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