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Shabbat Shalom - Friday, June 10, 2011

Tuesday night, I saw our community engaged in learning about our heritage, history and philosophy.  It was remarkable to see someone in shorts and a t shirt alongside someone wearing traditional Hassidic garb at the same place studying.

Shabbat Shalom, Friday June 3, 2011

Several weeks ago, I attended my nephew's Bar Mitzvah out of town.  I spoke with a friend and colleague who works at a prominent Jewish Foundation there.  He said to me, “you guys are doing amazing stuff in Pittsburgh”.  He went on to say that the types of programs and projects which…

Shabbat Shalom, Friday May 20

Next week, the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh will welcome Natan Sharansky to our amazing community.  Natan is one of my heroes.  In 1987 as a freshman in college, I remember waking up early one morning to board buses from New York City to Washington DC to join hundreds of…

Shabbat Shalom, Friday, May 13, 2011

During the past week, the Federation held two parlor meetings for our Centennial Mega Mission to Israel next summer (June 19-28, 2012).  One more informational parlor meeting will be held this Sunday afternoon with even more being planned.  Registrations are starting to come in.  I feel…

Shabbat Shalom, Friday May 6, 2011

It's no Laughing Matter!Last night's public launch of the Centennial Fund for Jewish Future Campaign (CFJF) had a wave of emotions from fear, to happiness and hope.  This effort, the largest endowment campaign in our community's history, is designed to secure permanent funds to support…