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Shabbat Shalom - January 28, 2011

This past week, Barack Obama delivered the State of the Union address.  All the pundits were asking whether the speech was good, bad, etc.  I even saw a ranking of the best Presidential speeches on one news station.  Always near the top of the rankings is John F. Kennedy's speech where…

Shabbat Shalom - January 21, 2011

In this week’s parsha, Yitro, after the Jewish people escape Egypt, God says to Moses (about the Jewish people), “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings, and I brought you to Me.”  Starting in 1949, the Federation system along with the Jewish…

Shabbat Shalom - January 14, 2011

One of our past Federation Chairs, Jim Rudolph, can be real stickler about language.  In “Federation speak”, some mistakenly ask if our volunteer solicitors have done their “cards”.  The truth is, “cards” refers to donors, real people.  Word choice is very important. …

Shabbat Shalom - January 7, 2011

Too often, nonprofits and some donors overly focus on their latest and greatest programs.  Those new, innovative ventures are critical to maintaining relevance with constituents.  At the end of December, a group of Jews living in the Cranberry area got together as an outreach program. …

Shabbat Shalom - December 31, 2010

Everyone seems to be looking back at the year which is shortly coming to a close.  There are lists of the biggest news stories of 2010.  There are lists of the biggest Jewish news stories.  Today’s Post Gazette had the list of the biggest Pittsburgh sports stories of the year.  What…