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Shabbat Shalom - Friday, March 11, 2011

Next Saturday night begins the holiday of Purim.  On Thursday, March 17th we observe the Fast of Esther.  The fast finds its roots In the Purim story when the Jewish people fasted for three days to hope that they will be saved from annihilation. We know that often when people's lives…

Shabbat Shalom - March 4, 2011

In my weekly message I know I often write about experiences I have had in our community.  This past week was no exception. I visited our Edward and Rose Berman Hillel Jewish University Center and spent almost two hours with 30 students who participated in Birthright Israel this past…

Shabbat Shalom - February 25, 2011

Last week, the Federation and Agency for Jewish Learning launched a new program, JECEI (the Jewish Early Childhood Education Initiative).  This national program works with Jewish preschools to enhance both their general education and Jewish education.  I urge you to click through to the…

Shabbat Shalom - February 18, 2011

A little over ten years ago, I was lucky to travel with a great group of our Federation supporters to Havana, Cuba.  We met with Dr. Jose Miller, the lay leader of the Havana Jewish community.  Just a week ago, with a group of younger Federation supporters, I returned to Havana.  Our…

Shabbat Shalom - February 4, 2011

What a week!  The Federation held its annual Fundfest series of phonings to secure commitments to our 2011 Community Campaign.  Hundreds of volunteers participated from students at our day schools, other students from Hillel JUC, young adults, adults and older adults.  They came from the…